Monday, October 18, 2021

Music Composer And Entrepreneur Ebony Henry Led The Way For Her Fellow Entrepreneurs.

It is difficult to strike a balance between personal and professional life. People desire the balance but seldom work towards it. It just remains a desire while they frustratingly move from one day to another. Everyone understands the importance of balance but not all are able to achieve it. Ebony Henry is not one of them. The six figure earning entrepreneur has enough time for her family and to do philanthropy work. She is smoothly sailing through it all by having a clear glass vision of what she wants to achieve in this lifetime. The entrepreneur started as a federal employee but resigned from the job when she could not give enough time to her dreams. She built her own entrepreneurial life so that she could be the boss of her own time and life. She believes one should not quit and rather keep sailing towards the goal as ultimately surviving is the goal of all. Cherishing each moment of life by becoming the boss of your professional life is the entrepreneur’s vision. It can be challenging to manage family and work when one has a regular 9 to 5 job. She became a home entrepreneur as she could not give enough time to her family. With this decision,Ebony has not only achieved a balance but also financial independence. She wants to help other women now by making them financially literate. She says this way not only the lives of the women but also the community will change. Ebony advises other women to keep doing the jobs but also create different streams of income in their life. In this way they will be able to live a stress free, comfortable life.

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